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Analisa Proses bisnis

Konsep Pemodelan Tujuan: Mengetahui : 1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Model 2. Apa Perbedaan antara Model dengan Diagram 3. Konsep UML dari sebuah Model 4. Bagaimana menggambarkan diagram aktifitas ke Proses Model 5. Pendekatan ke Pengembangan Sistem Pengenalan 1. Model Sistem dihasilkan oleh Analis dan Perancang Sistem 2. Analis Bisnis memulai bisnis dengan menghasilkan sebuah Model dimana akan mengetahui bagaimana sebuah organisasi bekerja 3. Analis Sistem akan menghasilkan sebuah model yang lebih abstrak dari obyek dalam sebuah bisnis dan bagaimana interaksi satu dengan yang lainnya 4. Perancang Sistem akan menghasilkan sebuah model bagaimana sebuah sistem baru yang terkompterisasi akan bekerja dalan organisasi Model 1. Lebih cepat dan lebih mudah untuk dibentuk 2. Dapat digunakan untuk simulasi, lebih mendalam tentang sesuatu yang diwakili 3. Dapat dilibatkan dalam proses 4. Dapat memilih mana yang dimasukan kedalam model dan mana yang diabaikan ...
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pindah kerja

Sudah bertahun-tahun anda bekerja di suatu perusahaan, dan pada suatu saat anda mendapatkan tawaran atau mengetahui ada posisi yang anda idam-idamkan di perusahaan lain. Anda pun tergelitik untuk mencoba melamar di perusahaan itu, tapi anda bingung, apakah keputusan untuk pindah ke perusahaan tersebut benar setelah anda menghabiskan masa kerja yang lama di perusahaan tempat anda bekerja sekarang. Pindah kerja memang tidak mudah, tapi sangat sah untuk dilakukan. Jika anda mengalami dilemma saat ingin pindah kerja, simak berbagai alasan untuk pindah kerja di bawah ini. Jika anda menemukan salah satu alasan anda dari daftar alasan di bawah ini, maka jangan ragu untuk pindah pekerjaan. Namun, pastikan dulu anda mendapatkan apa yang anda inginkan di perusahaan baru tersebut. Bosan dengan pekerjaan sekarang Sah-sah saja pindah kerjaan, tapi pastikan pekerjaan anda yang baru ada hubungannya dengan pekerjaan yang sekarang. Misalnya seorang accounting tidak mungkin melamar menjadi seorang...

survai jadi karyawan baru

KIAT SURVIVE JADI KARYAWAN BARU Masuk ke lingkungan baru memang mendebarkan, terlebih kalau kita tidak punya teman senasib yang sama-sama warga baru, anda harus berjuang sendirian untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kantor baru. Belum lagi ketika harus berhadapan dengan rekan-rekan kantor yang emasang tampang sejuta pertanyaan kepada kita. Mau bersikap ramah , takut di bilang sok asyik, bersikap jaim, takut dibilang pasif. Semua itu merupakan masalah bagi anda jika anda belum tau triknya. Berikut ada beberapa trik yang bisa anda gunakan untuk beradaptasi ditempat baru anda. ADAPTASI PASTI Adptasi, itu adalah point paling penting ketika masuk ke lingkungan baru. Kita boleh saja jadi lulusan terbaik di kampus atau punya segudang pengalaman, sehingga merasa tidak terlalu sulit masuk ke suatu lingkungan. Tapi setiap tempat punya budaya yang berbeda. Contoh sederhananya, kalau kalau di tempat kita bekerja, kita bisa bebas memajang foto atau hiasan di meja kerja, sementara kant...

Positive Thinking

===> Always use words that have positive thinking and speaking. ===> Build piokiran full of happiness, strength and success of any situation that faces, look and content of the mind with the positive side of situations. ===> Do not imagine a failure in building things, but imagine the success with a way to do that seriously. ===> Optimize the talents, do not let thoughts of the weaknesses faced mengusai themselves. ===> Interact with people is always optimistic and happy, that happiness can only be obtained with the positive way of thinking. ===> Build self-confidence, for example the most simple biasakan to sit back and walk with a spring to show the strength of self. ===> Exercise, spend time with just walking, swimming and so forth will help to the development of mind and a more positive attitude


What is intrapreneurship? Meaning gampangnya Entrepreneurship is the practice in an organization that is well established. Entrepreneurship is synonymous with the era perintisan business. When the company is up, a very stable organization, often Entrepreneurship tergerus life by feeling safe and kemapanan this. But that organization can remain competitive, not only must Entrepreneurship is owned by the businessmen who are working independently, but also by executives and employees in the company. Entrepreneurship can be said as a process to create value through the use of a number of resources to 'exploit' a chance. Can also say, how to take advantage of Entrepreneurship is an opportunity, without too 'countdown count' how many resources they own. Capital determination and spirit is the main capital rather than another. In short, Entrepreneurship is opportunity driven. Opportunities created by changes in the environment, and one of the characteristics of a entrepreneura...

Stock Market Blog

You have interest in learning stock exchanges? Follow simulation in the BlogShares stock exchanges. BlogShares provide stock simulation game using the blog as a company. Each blog can be claimed by their owners to be able to become a user in BlogShares, so we set the user as the blog itself so that behavior in the stock exchanges at a time into someone who bought shares another blog. Of course, there are two goals in this game that is how we set the blog so that sahamnya high price and manage the money for buy-sell shares that rich. BlogShares is already long, I know that when my blog entry BlogShares stock exchanges, so I claim is the end user and the simulation of stock. Quite a lot of bloggers blog in Indonesia there are there, routinely monitor BlogShares blog to determine the value of each blog. Value is seen from the number of links with other blogs, the more certainly will increase the value that will ultimately enhance stock prices blog, other than the number of transactions th...

Camless engine with elctromechanical valve actuator

Camless engine with elctromechanical valve actuator The cam has been an integral part of the IC engine from its invention. The cam controls the "breathing channels" of the IC engines, that is, the valves through which the fuel air mixture (in SI engines) or air (in CI engines) is supplied and exhaust driven out. Besieged by demands for better fuel economy, more power, and less pollution, motor engineers around the world are pursuing a radical "camless" design that promises to deliver the internal-combustion engine's biggest efficiency improvement in years. The aim of all this effort is liberation from a constraint that has handcuffed performance since the birth of the internal-combustion engine more than a century ago. Camless engine technology is soon to be a reality for commercial vehicles. In the camless valvetrain, the valve motion is controlled directly by a valve actuator - there's no camshaft or connecting mechanisms. Precise electronic circuit...